May 3, 2024 - What If Things Go Horribly Right?

We noticed a common mistake people make is placing too much focus on how not to fail, how to get everything right, until something they never prepared for happens: they do succeed and it goes right, or worse—it goes horribly right.

Eye Opening

The upside of a healthier and more attractive body is, frankly, eye-opening; your family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers and bosses, and even strangers will look at you differently. This has the obvious upsides, but has some downsides no one prepares you for.

At 10kgs (22 pounds), the change is so dramatic that you’re in new wardrobe territory. The new clothes you wear will fit nicer, and will visually communicate the leaner and more toned structure of your body, and people will notice.

Because you’ve improved your perceived social value, people now have more to gain by staying on your good side and giving you the benefit of the doubt. Those who ignored you will do a double-take, once immediate punishments become warnings, and the extra guac is suddenly free.

Envy and Jealousy Are Real

Unfortunately, the positives only come from people whose status and position is either enhanced by associating with you, or otherwise not put into question. Your parents, boss, and superstar siblings and irritatingly hyper-competent friends will cheer you on.

The people whose position is now in question—friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers who themselves were just so-so—will feel threatened. Every group you belong to has an invisible leaderboard, and you just leapfrogged them.

Socially, to them, it’s like you cut in line, so you can expect all forms of sabotage and undermining of your efforts; from backhanded compliments, stuffing pizzas and cookies in your face, to straight up preventing you from doing more workouts, you can expect just about anything.

The problem is they think that they’re just like you—but you had the nerve to think you can to better than them—and then actually did it, while they still can’t. The solution is recognizing that the more such people attack, the more you know who your friends really are.

Gaining It Back Will Terrify You

A few weeks or months of this and your mind will get used to this treatment, but still remember how people treated you before. These two completely opposite experiences will confuse your mind, so it will try to make sense of it—by saying your previous negative experiences is illegitimate.

After all, if people were capable of being this kind to you all along, then the weight you lost must’ve been the problem. If you gain it back, then you will be treated badly again—and this will terrify you into staying in shape and eating right.

Doing right by your body—regardless of societal impacts—should always be your priority. Your friends, family, co-workers and strangers—whether they mean well or not—won’t ever get to live in your body. Only you will, so why not make it a nice place to live :)

Apr 12, 2024 - Are Carbs The Enemy?

It’s widely accepted that carbs are the enemy, and while you can make it work with some balancing tricks from a nutritionist, this is a rare case of where—for the vast majority—where there’s smoke, there is a fire.

Most carbs we encounter are processed breads of some type, full of empty calories that leave us hungry the next minute. This makes it very easy to keep eating, while your body keeps stacking up those empty calories until you gain weight.

The Silent Enemy

At Diced Kitchen - Healthy Without the Hassle, we’ve noticed what ends up happening is when you eat a cheese burger you remember the meat, the sauces, maybe even the cheese—but the bun is the last thing your mind. After all, it’s just an edible wrapper—but it does the most damage to your waistline.

Within that bun are 160 calories that are completely invisible to you and your stomach. At your next meal, if it has a flour tortilla, that’s another 320 calories. At dinner, the pasta that serves as particularly ambitious “filler” between the sauces and meats is another 100 calories.

The Problem

You and your stomach go to bed and forget about these carby, sugary calories—but your body doesn’t. You start the next day with “an invisible meal” already stored in your body, and when you eat again like yesterday, you stack another invisible meal that night.

These stacked meals are how you gain weight. Fortunately, there is a solution.

How To Strike Back

Instead of trying to banish carbs altogether, give them a small—but strictly contained and fixed—role in your diet. Get the best complex carbs you can access, such as beans, potatoes and whole grain bread, and let them play a bit part in only one of your earlier meals.

That way, your body gets the nutrients it needs, and is forced to consume it during your most active hours that day. When you wake, your body is on the same page your optimistic and selectively forgetful mind wants you to be, and you’re better positioned to melt those pounds away.

Apr 8, 2024 - Why You Hate Veggies

Even children hate eating their veggies and greens, so it’s no wonder that even as adults we still hate eating right. There are all sorts of complicated, scientific reasons—but the heart of it is that our bodies are designed for a caveman era, when food was scarce, and we live in a world of plenty.

Your Body Is Too Efficient

At Diced Kitchen - Healthy Without the Hassle, we’ve researched that calorie dense foods such as meats weren’t as common as they are today, so our bodies had to make do with whatever greens we could forage. Veggies and greens, therefore, were a tolerated necessity until the hunters returned with with their haul.

You couldn’t toss the leftovers in the fridge and to microwave tomorrow, so it went that when the hunters were especially productive, a massive feast followed. In these feasts, the cavemen who willingly went vegetarian anyway had a tough time surviving the leaner times.

That Can Work Against You

Feast when the getting is good, forage when you can—this genetic playbook is still baked into our genes. Unfortunately for us, anyone with a few bucks can go to any fast-food joint and enjoy a private feast for every meal, all year long, without leaner times to expend that fat.

Eating right is artificially forcing yourself to eat leaner, even when your mind is fully aware that a feast is just around the corner. This goes against every human instinct you have, but that’s why it’s so effective at managing your weight.

But You Can Make It Work For You

You can do something your ancestors only dreamed of: create your own “feast” and “famine” cycles. It doesn’t even need to be complicated. You can start with something small like deciding what veggies and greens you can grudgingly tolerate, and then plan your steaks and pizzas for special occasions like graduations, birthdays, or anniversaries.

When you repeat this behavior over months, your mind will get used to this pattern. That way, when the party is over, you find yourself craving the veggies and greens you once grudgingly tolerated, and it will make your celebrations much more fulfilling.

Apr 5, 2024 - Creating Your Weight Loss Routine

People are creatures of habit, and exercise is no exception. We form habits when our mind accepts that whatever we’re doing, is how things are done and it should expect it. This creates neural pathways in your brain that helps it and your body before, during, and after exercise.

When It Feels Natural

Like any habit, it forms over time with lots of practice. Eventually, your mind pitches in with helpful mental shortcuts and behaviors that eventually let exercise become a part of your routines, no different from the first thing you do when you get home.

Our most successful clients reported that you know your exercise routine is successful when it feels natural—no different from the route you take to work. That means not only has your mind internalized the behavioral clusters around exercise, they’re ingrained so deeply that not doing them is a signal that something is wrong,.

When It Moves The Needle

That signal is why an experienced runner, for example, will start to get antsy after a few days without any exercise. Getting here is important, because when you consistently meet the exercise your body and mind expects.

Your body and mind are designed to find a comfortable routine and stick to it. This is why starting anything new is hard, but once it’s part of your life, it’s difficult to see life without it. The same goes for your body, because it will adapt to your exercise and accept its new weight, shape and form

When You Miss It

At this stage, your exercise routine becomes part of who you are. In the same way someone who paints identifies as “artistic” or a “creative”, so too will someone with an exercise routine identify as a “fitness buff”, “athlete”, or “gym rat”

Taking away exercise at this point is no different than taking away the paint brush and canvas of a painter. Making new habits can be hard, but once it becomes a part of you, they will reward you for the rest of your life.

Apr 1, 2024 - How Stress Affects Your Exercise

At Diced Kitchen, we’ve found that while a healthy amount of the right kind of stress—like exercise—is good for your body, too much of the wrong kind can send you down the wrong path. Stress impacts almost everything that happens in your body, and that includes your weight loss efforts.

Reduces Your Performance

When stressed, your body is already under a massive strain. Your muscles aren’t fresh, are too tight and already partially exhausted. This can lead to poor form, reduce the workload they can deliver, and in extreme cases they can give out unexpectedly and lead to injury.

Properly stretching and getting enough rest will minimize these issues, but the best way to avoid them is reducing the stress in your life. Are there stressors you tolerate because that’s how it’s always been? What can you move around to give your body a fighting chance?

Minimizes Your Gains

This fee is well hidden, but it’s one of the costliest. When your body is stressed to near capacity before you even walk start, you leave little headroom to push beyond its existing strength; that means you push yourself very little, and your body grows little—but to you, it still feels like a full workout.

Worse, most of the recovery your body does repairs the strain that stress put on your body, and very little goes to your body. This makes your recovery less efficient, and leaves growth that would’ve happened on the table.

Makes Your Rest Inefficient

This leads to our final point: the stress that reduced your performance and minimizes your gains follows you into sleep. There, it keeps your muscles working at near capacity, never letting them rest so they can heal and grow.

Managing your stress is a crucial part of managing or losing weight. Without keeping it in check, your body is always paying these hidden costs, reducing your gains, and ultimately your motivation. When it comes to treating your body right, managing stress is only second to eating right.

Mar 28, 2024 - Fast your way to Weight Loss

Yes, you can lose weight quickly!

We’ve found there are many ways to lose weight, and intermittent fasting is one of them. It’s not for everyone, and best done with medical supervision, but this is one way to lose a drastic amount of weight quickly. For those that do, the real problem is actually keeping the weight off.

Your Why

Since the idea is to less frequently, this is a huge change in your eating habits. As we all know, old habits die hard, and new habits don’t stick around unless they have a good reason; this is why you can lose weight for that Christmas photo, then gain it all back before the New Year.

The reason to lose a drastic amount of weight quickly must be stronger than the temporary thrill. Without that, you end up with one of the worst-case scenarios: a Yo-Yo diet, where you lose and gain weight constantly, and hurt your body in the process.

Your How

Once you have a why, you can work on your how. There are many ways to fast sustainably while losing weight. You can take the One Meal A Day (OMAD) route, where you have short open window to eat any (reasonably healthy) meal a day, and then stop.

If OMAD is not disco enough, you can alternate between a day of normal eating, followed by a day of fasting. Or you can do two meals a day, and mix it up into a pattern that naturally fits into your existing lifestyle and demands.

Your Support

The biggest obstacle with intermittent fasting, is that most people’s lives don’t work that way; your 9–to-5 job will expect you at 100%, as will your family and friends off the clock. The best way to do this is over a holiday or vacation break, when there is already a reduced demand on your energy levels.

The final piece to this is making it stick—and that means you can’t go back to your old eating habits. Instead, you use the fasting diet as a new foundation, and then add or remove foods depending on your day. Changing your habits, ultimately, is how you lose weight and keep it off.

Mar 27, 2024 - How To Burn Fat

It may sound strange, but working out to burn fat can be a fairly straight forward process. Put simply, you create a gap in your body’s calorie supply, and then maintain or increase your activity level, so your body has no choice but to burn its fat reserves to keep going.

We’ve found the best way to create that calorie gap is with a simple day of fasting; stick to tea and water for no more than a day, and your body will notice this gap. Its first step is to make you hungry, but don’t give in—because this gap is where you lose weight.

Eat Right

When it’s time to eat, you need a new game plan. You look at the day ahead and match the foods you eat with the energy levels you expect. Life is a fluid and dynamic process, and so is your body, so it makes sense to fuel it accordingly.

When losing weight, your body needs protein as building blocks to give you strength, and longer-term fuel from carbs to keep you going throughout the day. Since you want to lose weight, you want more protein, with carbs at a bare minimum to make sure your body keeps using its fat reserves.

Get Your Cardio In Gear

Now that you’ve armed your body with building blocks and just the right long-term energy for the day, you can put it to work. Cardio is important because it helps you work out longer and harder. The longer you can work, the more you deplete your fat reserves, and the faster your weight loss.

Work Smart

It’s important to set yourself up for success. Build your way up there with simple and repetitive movements you can control from a static position. Think water rowing machine in a gym, instead of jumping immediately into a 5AM jog. When you can consistently put in 30 minutes on a rowing machine, you’re ready for that 5AM jog, and by that time, you’re more than prepared to help your body burn through that calorie gap.

Mar 22, 2024 - Get back your motivation

If you're like most people, the new year ignites a new fire in your heart. This is the kind of fire that helps you burn through the exhaustions and obligations of yesteryear, make room for a new you in your calendar, and get your body fighting fit.

The first few weeks tend to go smoothly, but eventually life happens. So you skip a day, you got a half hour less, until eventually you stop altogether.

At Diced Kitchen - Healthy Without the Hassle, we've seen many people break this cycle. All it takes is a great motivation, a solid plan, and valuing steady progress over time.

Clear Your Sights


The first thing to ask yourself is, "why did i stop? really?" Your mind is very good at taking perfectly understandable things like a lack of time, or work demands, then twisting them into plausible rationalizations.

So yes, it may be true that you're too tired after work, but if a doctor told you your life literally depends on it, you'd happily sacrifice that second hour after work from leisure to hit the gym.

Find Your Baseline

Once you've seen through the rationalizations, you can focus on getting back into the game. Most people make the huge mistake of picking up where they left off, only to struggle and give up.

The key is to start where you are, then work your way up. Grab the lowest weight that feels right, then do as many sets and repetitions that feel right. Working your body thoroughly and completely is more important here to establish your baseline.

Row Gently To Victory

Rowing to Victory

With your new baseline, you now have a realistic bar to measure yourself against. Every week aim to go a little harder, a little further than you did last week, without breaking your form or not completing your sets/reps.

Over time, you will eventually match and then exceed the point before you stopped. Making your body strong is a deeply rewarding, lifetime habit

Feb 4, 2024 - You can enjoy cardio

We’ve found traffic lights are a great way to make cardio more enjoyable. Okay, so not in the most literal sense—but in their meaning. The same way traffic signals tell you when to stop, prepare to stop or go, you can use this concept to listen to your body as your lungs approach capacity, are overloaded, and are ready to go again.

Green Light

Let’s start with a simple running exercise. Maybe you can jog for a minute, and want to get to five minutes, so you establish a baseline. You do that by jogging for one minute, then keep going until you feel yourself start to fade, and then you keep going.

When you’re really faded, but still moving—that’s your orange light.

Orange Light

You know where your comfort zone starts to end, so this is where you want to be—because all your gains happen here. Here, your cardiovascular system is stressed far beyond its resting state, but not so far that you can’t sustain it, collapse out of breath, then give up in frustration.

Take full, equal breaths each time and focus on making each inhale and exhale last the same amount of steps. Consistency is key, because when you’re consistent, your body and mind know what to expect and brace themselves properly. It’s also easier to notice progress, when weeks or months later, one full breath lasts you double or even triple the steps

Red Light

After a few days, a few weeks of this, it’s very easy to get overconfident and go over the limit. You’ll know it when you’ve overreached; like fumbling to catch a falling plate, there’s a moment when it bounces off your hand one last time and you prepare for the inevitable crash.

At this point, breathing is the only thing that matters, something so easy yet so impossible, that you wonder how anyone takes it for granted. In extreme cases, you might even throw up. Needless to say, you do not want to be here—but it happens, and learning to toe that line between orange and red is part of the process.

With enough practice, you’ll have an accurate mental model of your cardiovascular capacity and strain, and can then consciously balance your effort to keep it in that yellow for as long as possible, until your body and mind release a flood of feel-good chemicals that keep you going-and-going.

That’s why they call it the zone.

Jan 28, 2024 - What are some ways to keep a workout partner motivated?

If working out was easy, everybody would do it.

Choose Your Friends Wisely

We’ve discovered that a great way to ease the burden of commitment to exercise is to share it with a friend—but you have to pick that friend wisely. For example, your weekend drinking buddies are less likely to appreciate your fitness goals than someone from your hiking group.

You want to workout with someone near your level, or just a few steps ahead. If someone is too far ahead or too far behind, then you can’t do the same kinds of workouts at similar intensity, not to mention that someone always ends up feeling bad due to that imbalance.

Share Responsibility

Great! Now you have a great match.

Before you start, it’s a great idea to sit together and discuss why you both want to work out. When you share goals this way, you also share accountability. Each person knows where the other is supposed to be on their path, and provides healthy peer pressure to keep each other on track.

Peer pressure gets a bad rap, but it can also be good when it enforces good habits and healthy living in a group, even if that group is just a couple of friends. You will want to fit in and keep up with your friends, but unlike high school—it’s for all the right reasons.

Motivate Each Other

This is where the fun begins, because you gamify your progress. For example, if you’re both targeting weight loss, then sharing your weekly weight measurements is a great way to divvy up common tasks like who picks up who for gym, or who owes the other friend an extra protein shake.

Keeping it fun and light hearted will make it feel less like work, more like play.

With some luck, you might even remember the joy of playgrounds and recess.

Jan 21, 2024 - How do you have the best time in the gym?

When you’re not used to it, going to the gym can look so boring and exhausting. In fact, if you do it for the wrong reasons and a negative attitude, it’s very easy to see it as paying to do the equivalent of manual labor with no pay off.

That’s why it’s important to have a very good reason to be there. For most successful cases—that’s taking care of their body.

Connect With Your Body

Your body is where your mind lives, and how you experience and move through your entire life. Everything it can it does for you without question or complaint, and it asks very little in return: keep it warm, safe, clean, and give it some food.

It’s yours, free and clear, for life. Nothing you have, or will ever buy, can serve you and your needs in the way your body does; it’s nature is to help you live the best life you can, but the only thing it can’t do is think for itself—and that’s where you come in.

Find A Good Pace

For such an amazing, efficient instruments, it’s only fair to give it the same love and care any prized possession deserves. That starts with a nutritional strategy that gears up your body for a workout, making sure you have enough energy to push through.

Whether you’re doing cardio or strength training, make sure you start low and then work your way up. Let your body give as much as it can, while you listen and take notes on how much it can comfortably handle and for how long—the same way you tune a guitar or a musical instrument.

Gently Press Your Boundaries

Once you know what your body can comfortably give, you ask it to give ten more minutes, one more rep, one more set. It won’t be comfortable, and you will be sore afterwards—but your body will give, as it always does. When you get used to it, with that mutual trust and respect you now have with your body, you move that needle.

Jan 14, 2024 - Eating mindfully

Your body’s natural reaction to a calorie deficit that leads to weight loss, is to make you eat more food. The trick is to know a few tips and tricks to help manage that.

Dull your hunger’s bite

The first step is to eat delicious, nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins, minerals like what we serve at Diced Kitchen, while staying within your goals. That way when hunger strikes, its bite is dulled.

The second thing to keep in mind is balancing your meals. You want the right mix of proteins, carbs and fats in your diet to promote satiety. Protein and fiber, especially, helps you feel full for longer periods.

Stay Hydrated

It’s also important to stay hydrated, because it’s very easy to mistake thirst for hunger. Drink enough water throughout the day, and at least a full glass with every meal. A good way to do this right is to make your first reaction to hunger a glass of water, and if that still doesn’t work, then you eat.

Eat Mindfully

Finally, be mindful of what you’re eating. A great way to do this is paying attention to your hunger cues, when they happen, and your progress throughout the meal. Eat more slowly, and appreciate every bite until your body tells you it’s full.

Eat only when you’re actually hungry, and stop the moment you feel full.

Jan 7, 2024 - Benefits of Meal Prep

Take Back Your Time

More than a great way to stay consistent with your nutrition and portion control, there are many benefits to meal prep. It can make your life easier, stress-free, and more convenient. Meal prepping takes back time in your schedule.

Chef-prepared Meals

Diced Kitchen delivers delicious, chef-prepared meals in advance to help ensure that you have a well-balanced and nutritious diet. This is particularly beneficial whether you’re a working professional that must wisely guard your time, or just looking for a clean and healthy options for meals.

Portion Control

Meal prep also helps you control portion sizes, allowing you to maintain a healthy and balanced diet without worrying about the details. This moves the needle in the right direction for your scale and stay in charge of your time.

Reduce Stress

Finally, it also reduces your stress. It lets you spend less time each day cooking and cleaning, making your daily routine more time efficient. Knowing that your meals are already prepared and waiting for you eliminates the hassle about eating right, while contributing to your overall wellbeing.

Dec 31, 2023 - Maintaining Your Weight

You did it! You’ve finally hit your weight goal, and now the mission is to lock it in—but that’s easier said than done. Let’s unpack the mystery behind simply maintain your weight, something very few people talk about.

Your body is your best friend

Keeping things the same is the one thing your body absolutely loves. When you’re losing weight, it will sabotage every salad you eat with a 200 calorie “snack” that blows away all the work you did at the gym.

When it comes to maintaining your weight, it’s now suddenly your best friend that lets you eat a huge turkey on Thanksgiving, yet you never crave a huge turkey meal all year long. The best way you can use that feature, is to position it for a new normal with the healthy and sustainable diet that got you there.

Give your body a sure thing

That means that means you’re eating for a purpose. On busy days, you increase the protein portions of your meal, and may even carb-load before that day starts. On slower days, you reduce portion size.

The goal is to always have a plan for what you will eat. That way, no matter what scenario comes your way, your body already has a sure thing to expect both on the physical load you’ll demand, as well as the fueling you will give it.

Stay on rails

A few months, a few years of staying on rails and your body’s composition and chemical make up will adapt to the way you eat, exercise, sleep and rest. It will get you the most calories and nutrition from your foods, and do it so well that the salad that left you howling with hunger will now feel like a full day’s meal.

Dec 24, 2023 - How do you get a gym life?

Burn The Boats

Sail to that foreign land, then burn the boats. You do that by going to any national gym like 24 Hour Fitness, then take a leap of faith by going all-in. That means you get their most expensive gym membership, and you pay it in full for a whole year—and that’s your bare minimum.

If you can arrange the finances, then go for extra credit and book a month with a personal trainer. If that’s not in the cards, then aim at Planet Fitness or anything small and local—save up if you have to—but you must make yourself pay dearly.

Justify Your Actions

The reason you do all this is to sacrifice something, that your thoughts and actions must then justify.

One thing that's clear about human nature, is that even if you’re Millionaire McMoneybags, human psychology demands that all your actions MUST make sense to you. This is why you don’t got to the 99 Cent Store and buy $100 worth of their 99 Cent Store cloth bags, and also why Oprah doesn’t spend $100M to start coal mining business (that we know of!)

When you spend $500+ just to get in the door on this new thing you’re unsure about, that’s still a non-zero amount of time and money you wouldn’t naturally spend this way. Your mind will force you to show up at least for day one, and since you’ve already screwed yourself over with a year’s membership, you might as well show up tomorrow too.

Make Friends

This is where the magic happens, because when you connect with like-minded people at your level and working on the same goals, you become part of a team. As the new person, human nature will make you avoid disappointing them—so what the hell, you’ll show up the second and third day.

But wait, there’s more! Your new friends want to hit up the new salad bar after the gym session this Friday, and there you are. Can you really turn down a new run with your new friends this Monday? One day you look up, you and your friends are one of those athletic gods spiking a volleyball at the beach. You sit there and remember reading this, your non-gym self a distant memory, and privately wonder:

How the hell did I end up here?

Dec 17, 2023 - What are some easy tricks to lose weight quickly?

Good Nutrition is a Road Trip

Eating right, intermittent fasting, and light exercise. When you eat right, it means setting a clear nutritional strategy that works for your body as a whole, and then calibrated to meet your tactical demands for each day.

The nutritional material we studied while building Diced Kitchen showed that it’s best to think of your nutrition like having a map for daily road trips, where every destination is a meal that works best for your body, then each day deciding what route you will take on that map, and how long you will stay at each destination.

Set Your GPS

On slow days, it makes more sense to visit Proteinville and Salad Town for just a little bit. On busy days, you’ll want to stop by Carbville and Proteinville before things get crazy, and after the dust settles, swing through Proteinville again for the Supplement Shack.

Do this long enough, and your mind will subconsciously know its “route” through that food map to properly fuel your body based on what you’re expecting to do tomorrow—the same way if you know you’re visiting your aunt across town after work tomorrow, you should put more gas in the car.

Program Yourself For Success

This subconscious nutritional mapping is crucial, because it ties into intermittent fasting. When your mind knows you’re not eating much tomorrow, not only is it psychologically braced for this, it also the a food map to navigate a “light day” on hand, so you’re less likely to crack.

Finally, light exercise like walking or even a brief jog, assure your mind that it still has enough caloric wealth to spend on this luxury. If it has the luxury to walk around for kicks while hungry, then everything must be okay. Plus it feels great, takes your mind off eating and a great way to burn time.

Learning to love your body and take care of your mind are crucial to any weight loss journey.

Dec 10, 2023 - Why does losing weight seem harder to lose now?

Because Your Body is Stubborn

Because your body adapts to whatever you throw at it, and the older you get the more stubborn it is against change. Your body wants everything to stay the same, and your mind gets in on this by maintaining the habits it knows and trusts.

To change your body, you start with changing your thinking. Think of your mind as a grassy field, and your thoughts as the pathways worn across it. When hunger strikes, your mind will naturally want to make the same right turns to walk down the same path.

Start Taking Little Left Turns

The most common mistake we saw our customers make is jump from a fast-food and takeout-only diet to hardcore salad and vegan over night. This is like taking a completely opposite route across the grassy field, while walking backwards; your mind will dismiss this as an irritating interruption it must tolerate for a little while, not a new reality—this is why diets fail.

The trick is to introduce that change gradually, with lots of little left turns. This encourages the natural curiosity of your mind to compare the right turns it knows and trusts to the new ones, and lets it learn where the left turns make more sense than right turns.

Wield Your Natural Curiosity

One day your mind looks up and it’s taking a path across the field, sprinting backwards, wondering why it was ever on the other side. In turn you look at yourself in the mirror with 50 pounds gone, wondering why you wasted all these years forcing your mind, instead of gently nudging it in the right direction and letting its natural curiosity take care of you.

Dec 3, 2023 - Supercharge Your Workouts

Engaging in a thoughtful and well structured exercise routine can make a huge difference in your overall fitness journey. One approach that’s gaining popularity is including a brief cardio session before weight lifting. This seemingly simple adjustment can transform your workout experience, offering a range of benefits that contribute to enhanced performance and long-term fitness goals.

The first 10 minutes of cardio act as a powerful warm-up, setting the stage for he more demanding aspects of weight lifting. This initial burst increases your heart rate and promotes increased blood floor to your muscles. Your body is more alert, properly fueled and balanced to respond when you finally start tearing through your sets and reps.

When it comes to weight lifting,  one good idea is to push your body until it’s operating somewhere between 80% and 90% of your maximum effort. This carefully calibrated level of exertion ensures that you’re challenging your muscles sufficiently, fostering muscle growth and strength development, while leaving enough to help your body cool down and recover. Striking this delicate balance is pivotal in your workout’s effectiveness.

Equally crucial to the workout is, again for emphasis, the concept of maintaining a reserve. By deliberately avoiding pushing your body to its absolute limit, you ensure there’s enough left in the tank to help your body wind down. This smooth transition means your body starts recovering faster and easier than if you pushed way past your limits, injured yourself, then had to miss the next workout because of the toll of crashing from exertion—psychological or otherwise.

As your body cools down, the intricate process of healing and rebuilding begins. This recovery phase is where microscopic tears in your muscle fibers heal and increase in density, strength, elasticity and so on. If the rest is inefficient, or interrupted, this process is diminished and you leave a lot of your hard-earned gains on the table.

In conclusion, adding cardio before strength training and resting well is a game-changer in crafting a well-rounded and effective workout routine. Finding the right balance between your intensity and your reserve ensures your body delivers maximum effort while leaving enough to gracefully recover. Next time you step into the gym, consider this balanced and sustainable approach to contribute to your overall well-being.

Nov 26, 2023 - Keep Your Motivation

Building a truly lasting commitment to your fitness journey requires more than just a desire for temporary change. It demands a profound and enduring reason that gives you staying power during your transformation. The reason must exist beyond a need to impress others, to fit in to a specific group or to wear a particular outfit. This is because once you achieve those things (or don’t achieve them), you lose that fire.

A great way to start is look forward. Ask yourself what’s important to you now, that a healthier and stronger body will give you a better experience. For example, if you enjoy hiking, a stronger body will let you go further afield. You may have kids that a stronger body will let you play with them for a longer time. 

Once you have  compelling motivation, the next step is seamlessly integrating it into the fabric of your daily life. This goes beyond merely scheduling workout sessions; it involves a comprehensive shift in your lifestyle. Every aspect, from dietary choices and timing to the selection of exercise routines, should be influenced by your overarching fitness goals to serve your motivation.

Let your plan breathe and naturally evolve over time. Eventually it stops being a conscious effort and becomes second nature as a part of your lifestyle. This is a significant milestone, because habits that stick are the kind that change the course of your life, while shaping your body and mind for that journey.

In summary, the key to building a lasting commitment to fitness goals lies in anchoring that journey to a meaningful and enduring purpose. This commitment must be allowed to naturally shift and flow into every fabric of your life, until it becomes second nature. Such a holistic approach not only ensures staying power with your goals, but it also makes them organic and sustainable.

By understanding that fitness is not a temporary fix but a long-term journey, you can cultivate habits that not only reshape your body and mind into a healthier state, they can also positively influence your friends and family into healthier habits.

Nov 19, 2023 - Unlock Your Recovery

Exercise is a dynamic process that involves pushing your body to its limits, challenging your muscles to adapt and grow stronger. Any time you demand your body to perform outside its comfort zone, you introduce physical stress that strains and eventually introduces microscopic tears in the muscle fibers and ligaments. Your strength comes from the healing process that builds new muscle fibers, while strengthening the older ones.

It might sound counterintuitive, but these microscopic tears are a fundamental aspect of the muscle building process. It makes them stronger, more flexible, more resilient and ready to power through the same demand next time. Surprisingly, this healing process isn’t at its strongest while you’re pumping iron or sweating it out on the treadmill. Instead it unfolds while you’re in a state of rest, particularly during your sleep.

Sleep is a powerhouse for the rejuvenation and repair of your body, and this supercharges building that new muscle, so the better your sleep the better your gains will be. Without adequate rest, the body’s healing mechanisms are compromised, and the consequences are far reaching. Slower healing, prolonged muscle soreness, reduced performance are just the tip of the iceberg of what you lose with poor sleep.

Think of muscle soreness as a language your body uses to communicate what parts of your body need more rest and recovery. It’s a signal that your muscles are adapting to new challenges, and require more resources from a protein-rich diet and rest to effectively rebuild. Ignoring this signal and pushing through without proper rest can lead to a cycle of persistent soreness, hindering your fitness goals and causing harm to your body.

In conclusion, understanding the delicate interplay between physical stress, muscle soreness, and recovery is crucial for anyone committed to a fitness journey. It’s important to listen to your body, hear what it’s asking and then provide it the food and time it requires to give you a better result. Be the project manager your body needs you to be, take good care of it and it will give back everything ten-fold.

Love your body.

Nov 12, 2023 - Sleep Right, Eat Right

Your body keeps on doing it’s thing, even when you’re asleep. Some stuff slows down—like thinking—while other things speed up, especially the healing process. A smart move for your body i shitting the hay with a not-too-full stomach.

This way, you won’t wake up starving in the middle of the night, but you also won’t be so stuffed that it’s hard to stay asleep. Plus, if you’re not overly loaded with calories, they’re more likely to be used up during the day instead of turning into fat overnight. It’s all about striking the right balance.

Choose a light, balanced meal with good nutrients. If you were strength training in your last gym session, then focus more on proteins and less on carbs, then give your body a chance to put all that to work and give you results. 

Finally, it’s important to create a sustainable and repeatable routine for rest and recovery. That way it becomes second nature to your body and mind, and you effortlessly flow from waking up with an urge to exercise, efficiently flow through your sets and reps, have inexplicable cravings for exactly the diet your body needs, and then automatically fall asleep at the same time.

Nov 5, 2023 - Look Beyond Supplements

When you take a closer look at supplements, they have a lot more in common with get-rich-quick schemes than a lot of us want to admit. Even when they seem to work, more likely than not it's because you tweaked your diet or started moving a bit more. That's why we need to drop the idea that there's a quick fix to weight loss.

Your journey to a healthier body includes more than taking a pill or trying the latest supplement trend. It's about thinking of food as a fuel for your body to help you get through the day, and treating your body with some TLC. Unlike fame, money, or power, your body is yours and yours alone and it carries the history of your habits and beliefs.

Weight loss supplements sell you on the idea that you don't have to change your habits and beliefs, and that's what makes them so dangerous. This illusion of comfort makes you feel it's okay to have one more snack, skip one more day, be a little less committed. Over time this saps your motivation until one day, there is no cost to giving up--so you do.

When you take a clear look at your daily demands, fuel your body accordingly, and work through it sustainably, the weight will naturally shed as your body adjusts to your new habits and beliefs about who you are and are not, what you eat and what you don't eat.

In the end, those weight loss supplements might seem tempting, but the real deal is a bit more down-to-earth. Choosing to eat well, move a bit, and treat your body with some kindness – that's the secret sauce for feeling good and staying healthy.

No shortcuts, just a friendly journey towards a happier you.

Oct 29, 2023 - Cost of Poor Sleep

Poor sleep doesn't just ruin your morning; it's disrupts every aspect of your body and mind's ability to function.

When you're not getting enough sleep, everything takes a hit in the efficiency department. Your digestive system, for example, becomes less effective at getting energy from what you ate. This means the energy supply to your brain is a little less than the usual amount, and arrives a little bit slower.

This has a ripple effect on your wellbeing. First off, digestion. Normally, your digestive system works like a well-oiled machine, extracting the maximum energy from the food you consume. However, when you're sleep-deprived, this system sputters.

Now, let's talk about your brain. Sleep is like a power nap for your mental faculties. It's during this downtime that your brain consolidates memories, processes information, and essentially tidies up the mental clutter. When your sleep is compromised, this mental tidying process is disrupted. Your cognitive functions are affected, leading to slower processing and a reduction in overall mental efficiency.

Okay, now let's loop in exercise. You hit the gym, you break a sweat, and you expect those post-workout benefits to kick in. Your body and mind are grappling with the consequences of sleep deprivation, and the dividends from your workout routine are not as impactful as they could be.

Think of your body and mind like a team working together. When they're well-rested, they're a powerhouse – each element doing its part seamlessly. But introduce poor sleep into the mix, and suddenly it's like the team is playing with a handicap. Everything takes a bit more effort, and the results are not as stellar. In conclusion, prioritizing quality sleep is not just about rest; it's about ensuring that your body and mind are operating at their optimal levels, ready to make the most of every facet of your life.

Oct 22, 2023 - Benefits of Walking

Your body is a fascinating and ever-changing system, and its needs can vary from one day to the next. What you put into your body, your daily activities, and the events (or lack thereof) that unfold, all play a role in its intricate workings.

Walking is a simple yet powerful practice that has a profound impact on your body. It's a low-investment, consistent way to apply natural stress to your body, just as it was designed to handle. This doesn't involve the mental energy required to power through a rigorous gym session, making it an accessible option for many. Additionally, walking contributes to the development of a healthy exercise habit, laying the foundation for more intense workouts in the future.

Understanding the dynamics of your body is crucial. It's like figuring out a well-crafted recipe; you need the right ingredients and a precise method to get the desired results. In this analogy, your body is the masterpiece, and what you feed it, the activities you engage in, and the overall happenings of the day are the key components.

Let's break down the impact of walking on your body's natural stress response. When you walk, you're engaging multiple muscle groups, promoting blood circulation, and gently challenging your cardiovascular system. This natural stress, although milder compared to intense workouts, still triggers beneficial responses in your body. You burn more energy than if you were not walking, without the need for a considerable mental push. This gradual approach is key, as building a habit takes time, and walking provides a gentle and consistent entry point into a healthier lifestyle.

Think of walking also readies your body for more intense activities, gradually building strength and endurance. Beyond the physical benefits, walking also offers mental and emotional perks. The rhythmic movement and exposure to nature can be meditative, reducing stress and promoting a positive mindset.

As you lace up your sneakers for a walk, consider it a holistic investment in your well-being. You're not just moving your body; you're cultivating a positive habit that pays dividends in various aspects of your life. This isn't about the all-or-nothing mentality of extreme fitness routines; it's about recognizing the value of consistent, moderate efforts that contribute to your overall health.

In conclusion, the impact of walking on your body is more profound than it may seem. It's a simple yet effective way to introduce natural stress, burn energy, and lay the foundation for a habit of regular exercise. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, walking is a universally accessible practice that aligns with your body's design and sets the stage for a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Apr 12, 2023 - Revolutionize Your Business Artificial Intelligence

Could the key to revolutionizing your business be as simple as implementing a few Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies? The idea of AI-powered tools helping businesses become more efficient may seem impossible, but the truth is that AI can help automate certain processes and improve efficiency in ways you may have never imagined.

As a business leader, you’re always looking for ways to boost efficiency and maximize profits. You’ve likely explored countless strategies only to find that most are too costly or too complicated to implement. That’s why you may be tempted to dismiss the idea of using AI-powered strategies to revolutionize your business. But don’t be so quick to write it off. AI is becoming more and more accessible, and the strategies it offers have the potential to be incredibly effective.

AI-powered tools are able to take over mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing your employees to focus their energy on more important tasks. They can also provide data-driven insights to help you make better decisions. AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated and can even help identify customer needs and suggest the best course of action for customer service.

There are a number of AI-powered strategies you can implement to help revolutionize your business. At Marine Web, we offer a wide range of AI services to help you do just that. Our team of AI experts can work with you to create custom AI solutions that meet your specific business needs.

Here are 7 AI-powered strategies that can help revolutionize your business:

Automation: Automation is one of the most popular AI solutions. AI-powered automation tools can help streamline processes, reduce operational costs, and increase efficiency. With automation, you can also reduce the time your employees spend on manual tasks and free them up to focus on more important projects.

Data Analysis: AI-powered tools can also be used to analyze customer data and provide valuable insights. With AI-powered data analysis, you can gain a better understanding of customer behavior and preferences, which can help you make better decisions and develop more effective strategies.

Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can be used to provide customer service. They can answer customer queries quickly and accurately and provide personalized customer service. AI-powered chatbots can also help automate customer communication, allowing your team to respond to customer inquiries more efficiently.

Analytics: AI-powered analytics can be used to track customer engagement, website visits, and other important metrics. With AI-powered analytics, you can gain a better understanding of customer behavior and preferences, which can help you develop more effective marketing strategies.

Image Recognition: AI-powered image recognition tools can be used to identify people, objects, and other elements in images. This can help you quickly identify and categorize images, which can improve the accuracy of your data. AI-powered image recognition can also be used to detect fraud and other security threats.

Predictive Analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics can be used to predict customer behavior and preferences. With predictive analytics, you can better anticipate customer needs and develop more effective strategies to meet those needs.

AI-powered Security: AI-powered security tools can help protect your business from cyber threats. AI-powered security tools can be used to detect and prevent malicious activities, protect customer data, and monitor for any suspicious activity.

As you can see, AI-powered strategies can help revolutionize your business and increase efficiency. If you’re interested in learning more about how AI can help, contact Marine Web today. Our team of AI experts can work with you to create custom AI solutions that meet your specific business needs.

AI-powered strategies are becoming increasingly accessible and offer the potential to revolutionize your business. With the right AI-powered strategies, you can increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, and make better decisions.

But...are you ready to embrace the power of AI?

Dec 27, 2022 - 4 Ways to help your business survive a recession

Are you worried about how your business will weather a recession? Don't panic - there are steps you can take to help your business survive and even thrive during tough economic times.

Review and adjust your budget.

One of the first things you should do during a recession is to take a close look at your budget and see where you can make cuts or adjustments. This might involve reducing or eliminating non-essential expenses, negotiating lower rates with suppliers, or finding ways to increase revenue.

Diversify your revenue streams.

Dependence on a single source of income can be risky, especially during a recession. Consider exploring new products or services, or finding ways to expand into new markets or customer segments. This can help to cushion the blow if one area of your business experiences a downturn.

Focus on customer retention.

Loyal customers are more likely to stick with you during a recession, so it's important to prioritize customer service and support. This might involve offering discounts or promotions, or finding creative ways to add value for your customers.

Look for opportunities to pivot or innovate.

A recession can be a time of opportunity, as it can force businesses to think creatively and explore new approaches. This might involve finding ways to adapt your products or services to meet changing customer needs, or finding new ways to reach and engage with your audience.

If you're looking for more ideas and guidance on how to weather a recession, our team of business strategists can help. We offer customized consulting

May 11, 2020 - 6 reasons why your company needs to tell a better story

Every company needs a good story.

In fact, your company’s story is as important as the products or services you offer. To engage your employees, stakeholders and even customers your story needs to be compelling, attractive and clearly express your company’s core values.

I know, it sounds like an overstatement, right? But, the truth is that it has been proven to completely revolutionize the perception everyone has about your company. The story doesn’t need to tell every little detail from its birth but rather be able to define and give meaning to your business. This way, people can understand where you come from, where you’re heading and relate to your company’s ideas.

If you’re still unsure of the importance of a compelling story for your company, here are 6 reasons to write down your business story:

1. The story explains your strategic vision

Yes, a well-established company needs a strategic vision, you’ve probably already have it written down. But, is it clear to everyone related to your business? A good company story allows your customers, employees, and stakeholders to better understand it through context and meaning.

When you share your company story, people will identify with your company, and it will make it easier for your employees and stakeholders to walk together towards your business’ goal.

2. A good story gives meaning to the work you do

Imagine working for a bureaucratic, faceless company where every task is fulfilled with the sole purpose of keeping your job. It might be enough to barely accomplish your professional goals, but there isn’t much more to it.

On the other hand, working for a company created by a family that had the idea to offer graphic design solutions for small and medium companies and help them grow, is way more meaningful and engaging.

If your employees understand your story, every little task they have at hand will be more meaningful and therefore more effective.

3. With a good story, you can establish your values

Writing down a corporate manual with a company’s core values in over 100 pages, won’t be so interesting or attractive for, well, let’s face it, anyone; there’s no point in having an extensive document that no one ever reads.

However, if you include your corporate values to your story: your suppliers, employees, and customers will respect your business and understand its values, knowing how important they are for you.

4. Your company story is a roadmap for marketing communications

Digital transformation and social media have revolutionized the way companies communicate not only with their clients but also with leads, prospects, suppliers and even investors.

This revolution has set a new standard for marketing strategies and communications, making it necessary to go beyond simply offering your products and services. To engage users, you need to show them a compelling story that makes your brand stand out from the sea of similar businesses.

Having a strong company story will define the path for all communications you create; it becomes a guide to knowing exactly what you want to tell your audience.

5. A company story fosters innovation

When everyone in your team knows your story, your values and understands your struggles to get to your goal, It will be easier for them to be aligned with what you’re trying to accomplish.

When they focus on success, they’ll work together to find the most effective ways to reach the company’s goal by proposing new ideas and implementing new processes. innovation becomes then, an organic value in your employees to improve and grow together.

6. An engaging story changes the way presentations are made

Corporate presentations are boring. Most of the time, neither the people giving the presentation nor the attendees feel engaged with it. If you present them with a bunch of figures and statistics, they will likely forget most of the information at the end of the presentation.

If your corporate presentation starts with an interesting story, you’ll get everyone’s genuine attention. Even if you need to include numbers and statistics, presenting them through a story will make a huge impact on the results.

Time to write your company story

Now that you know the reasons why your company needs a compelling story, it’s time to get to the action and start writing your story. Yes, i know, you’re probably thinking that you’re not a writer so this can be a challenge for you--but, don’t worry, i have great news for you!

You don’t have to do it by yourself; Marine Web offers you a solution.

When it comes to corporate storytelling, our professionals take great pride in helping clients to create and develop inspiring stories that define their businesses. Scroll down and get in touch to start writing your story!

Now that you’ve made it this far, you know what you need to do--so start by asking your company story good enough?

Mar 21, 2020 - New Website Launch!

Its funny how a global catastrophe can bring people together.

While walking today, I saw families and couples and lone wolves out walking, jogging, biking, hiking. There usually aren't that many people out and about, but I guess when the world grinds to a halt due to this coronavirus, well people are forced to adapt, aren't they?

Among my many adaptations is changing my morning routine. It's no longer wake up, hunker down at a coffee shop and work. It's more like wake up, then sort of decide what's the one thing I will do today to advance my cause, then I get that done and that's it.


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